Europe 2015

Europe 2015

We took a trip to Europe back in April. In two weeks, we managed to hit Iceland, Amsterdam, and three cities in Germany (Munich, Berlin, and Frankfurt. Aside from Iceland>Amsterdam, we traveled by train between cities, allowing us to see a little more of the countryside (or, what we could at 200+ miles per hour).

Here’s my summary: Iceland was magical and breathtaking. I’m going back. Amsterdam was cheaper than expected and very charming. Germany was beautiful and educational – and also pretzels, beer and meat. Needless to say, everything about the trip was amazing, except for the one night spent in a youth hostel in Frankfurt. Key word: youth. It was cheap. We even lucked out with great weather in April.

Check out a few snapshots below. More of these photos can be seen in my travel portfolio and my Iceland series under personal work.



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